Learners Handbook
Learners Handbook
This comprehensive manual presents the current state of urban mobility, examining its impact and the potential benefits of adopting sustainable urban mobility practices. Here you can find a description of the effects on the quality of life in urban environments, a repository of essential data and innovative educational content. This includes best practices and other pertinent resources.
Learners Handbook
Introduction to the topic
Read some first information about the purpose of the Handbook, the GREENMOBILITY objectives, the topic of sustainable urban mobility, the training activities and the policy framework in which the project has been implemented.
Module No 1 - Sustainable urban mobility
Discover the basic concepts of “sustainability” and “sustainable transportation”. In this module you will gain information to understand the importance of implementing more environmentally friendly transport choices and how incorporating the concept of sustainable urban mobility will benefit the quality of life in cities while contributing to the fight against climate change.
Chapter 1 - Literature review
Through this chapter the reader will have the opportunity to gain knowledge on the topic and the studies conducted during the years on the climate crisis and how to contrast it including through adopting a more sustainable way of commuting.
Chapter 2 - Best Practices
This chapter reports on some best practices/tips on using the means of transport more sustainably. Sustainable urban mobility is a collective responsibility, and individual actions can make a difference.
Chapter 3 - Practical activity
This chapter includes three exercises, aimed at putting into practice and experimenting with the skills introduced.
Module assessment
Test the knowledge you just acquired by completing these final multiple-choice questions.
Module No 2 - Positive attitudes and behaviour change
Read how the European sustainability competence framework GreenComp was developed as one of the actions set out in the European Green Deal and how its purpose is to foster a sustainability mindset by helping people develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to think, plan, and act with empathy, responsibility, and care for our planet.
Chapter 1 - Literature review
Through this chapter the reader will have the opportunity to gain knowledge on the GreenComp: the European sustainability competence framework and how it has been developed to enhance sustainable development and attitudes toward sustainable living, working, and acting.
Chapter 2 - Best Practices
This chapter includes information and the analysis of the Transtheoretical Model of Change in use: inspiring more walking, cycling and public transport and minimising car use.
Chapter 3 - Practical activity
Through these practical activities the learners can evaluate their level of mastery in these skills.
Module assessment
Test the knowledge you just acquired by completing these final multiple-choice questions.
Module No 3 - Sustainable mobility solutions & energy efficient vehicles
Acquire knowledge by reading on the sustainable mobility solutions and energy-efficient vehicles concepts that must be applied to reduce the impact of transportation on climate change, and promoting more efficient use of resources.
Chapter 1 - Literary Review
Acquire knowledge by reading on the sustainable mobility solutions and energy-efficient vehicles concepts that must be applied to reduce the impact of transportation on climate change, and promoting more efficient use of resources.
Chapter 2 - Best Practices
Discover the best practices in the field of sustainable transportation around the world and how communities and institutions are already making decisions toward a more sustainable way of life.
Chapter 3 - Practical activity
Through these practical activities the learners can apply some concepts from previous chapters in a practical way through activity groups.
Module assessment
Test the knowledge you just acquired by completing these final multiple-choice questions.
Module No 4 - Public transport and shared mobility
Through this chapter the learners can know more about alternative modes of transport such as public transport and shared mobility as means that have a pivotal role in the transformation towards more sustainable green cities.
Chapter 1 - Literature review
Read this chapter and gain extra knowledge on the EU urban mobility framework on public transport and shared mobility, its objectives and results.
Chapter 2 - Best Practices
This chapter includes best practices and case studies related to sustainable mobility and virtuous implementation in some countries of the EU.
Chapter 3 - Practical activity
This chapter includes practical activities, aimed at putting into practice and experimenting with the skills introduced. The activities proposed will allow the learners to be an active part of the change and practically contribute to the transformation towards more sustainable cities.
Module assessment
Test the knowledge you just acquired by completing these final multiple-choice questions.
Module No 5 - Mobility within Neighborhoods at Local Level and Health
Read how local mobility, which is fundamentally linked to the concept of residential mobility, is crucial in defining the dynamics of communities and urban areas.
Chapter 1 - Literature review
Read how local mobility, which is fundamentally linked to the concept of residential mobility, is crucial in defining the dynamics of communities and urban areas.
Chapter 2 - Best Practices
This chapter includes best practices and case studies related to sustainable mobility and virtuous implementation in some countries of the EU.
Chapter 3 - Practical activity
This chapter includes practical activities, aimed at putting into practice and experimenting with the skills introduced. The activities proposed will allow the learners to be an active part of the change and practically contribute to the transformation towards more sustainable cities.
Module assessment
Test the knowledge you just acquired by completing these final multiple-choice questions.